Saturday, August 26, 2006

Little Guy

Little guy has fish in his room too but he's not too fussed about them at this point. Today he had a lovely nap in his bed without his clothes on. It was another warm day here in sunny Izumisano.

Finding Nemo

Noah has gone crazy for Finding Nemo. Our kindy friends have lent us the video and I have to admit I like it too.
It has sparked off a whole craze of activities - Lego construction and paper crafts. All Noah's own creations and ideas. He's got a sea anenome, crabs, the sea, coral and rocks all made out of Lego. Pretty cool! Then he's written FISH by making the letters out of Lego. I didn't help him except to suggest that perhaps FICH was not quite right!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Thank you Laura

Yum Yum Yum! Thank you Laura and Yutaka for my wonderful care package! My hips and thighs will thank you. You won't be surprised to learn that I am not sharing them. They are carefully stashed away in the fridge.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Pool

Here's Noah having a great time in our pool. I have it parked right outside the front door which is a nice cool spot - sunny but windy. Oh to be so carefree!


Tyler loves his bath. He never cries and if he could smile I am sure he would be. He likes to kick his feet and float. He looks so happy when I splash the water over his body.

The baby bath fits right in the kitchen sink which is the only good thing about the massive sinks here in Japan.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I got a camera!

I have finally entered the digital age and got myself a camera! You might wonder how all of these other pictures got onto my blog? Either copied off the web from somewhere or scanned in from actual photos - how archaic! Photos of Tyler and Noah should be coming hard and heavy now!


Tyler is a week and a half old. Sleeping like a baby ... most of the time. Starting to plump up I think!