Thursday, July 20, 2006

39 weeks

Noah's Kindergarten

Hi everyone. I don't have a photo to share of my HUGE tummy but I wanted to let you know I am still here - no sign of baby yet! I have a week to go until the due date which is July 27th.

Noah finished up at kindergarten yesterday. He had a great first term. He's made lots of friends, learnt a lot of songs and really enjoyed the variety of activities - dancing, Montessori activities, P.E and making origami. He's done very well experimenting with new food and is a master of chopsticks as well. He's had no trouble with the Japanese so we are thrilled to say he's comfortably bilingual. He's come along in leaps and bounds in terms of his vocabulary and his interest in the written word. In fact at age four and a half he's reading and writing the first set of Japanese characters and is reading pretty well using the phonetic alphabet in English. He has a ferocious appetite for reading and writing. We are very proud of him.

I have almost finished preparing the baby's room. What was planned to be our guest room has been taken over by the Miffy cot, a changing table, thousands of onesies in the wardrobe and a boppy cushion. It's a lovely sunny, airy room so I think baby will love it. I'll let you know as soon as he moves in.

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