Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thank you for all our great presents. We have had a wonderful weekend. We celebrated a day early since Christmas is not a holiday here - Takeshi will be at work.

Saturday - Noah, Tyler and I went to the airport to see Santa arriving. He flew in from somewhere ... and the kids from Noah's kindy put on a fantastic concert.

It was pretty exciting driving to the airport in our little car. We have to drive over a 3.7 km bridge that spans the sea. Noah had no idea where we were going and was a bit panic-stricken that I had taken a wrong turn because we were on the highway! It was a really fun adventure.

Before we left home I got Noah to write a letter and draw a map for Santa asking that he come early. Noah wrote " Dea Santa Pys come ae bit erly from Noah". His request was granted!

I spent the afternoon cooking. We had our usual fare - roast pork with vegetables, shrimp cocktails to start and trifle for pudding. We opened a couple of presents before we went to bed. Noah left Santa a glass of milk, a couple of packets of raisins and a muesli bar. This year he had to use a pillow case instead of his stocking as I got an email from Santa last week to say that his presents were quite large!

Sunday - both Noah and Tyler were very lucky. Santa left them some great gifts as well as all the presents from friends and family. Noah got lots of books about all his favourite things - space, pirates, dinosaurs, and the human body. He also got a jelly brain and a see-thru human body to make. Tak and I gave him a basketball set. His Japanese grandparents got him a CD/tape player and some book vouchers.

Tyler got tons of bath toys and cute bibs, books and food. There wasn't anything from Santa for him so I had to put in his baby rice that arrived yesterday from the Foreign Buyers Club! (for Noah's benefit).

We spent the afternoon at Cat and Masa's Christmas party which was really nice. I had several Christmas mince tarts there. I have been so busy these past few weeks I haven't had time to make mine. I just checked before and the mincemeat is good till 2008 so I will save it. There were devilled eggs, shortbread and lots of other festive goodies. It was lovely.

So we have had a really excellent Christmas. Thank you everyone!

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