Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Progress Reports

On the 28th of September Tyler and I visited a friend for lunch. I told a couple of friends who were there that Tyler couldn't walk. I think he was a bit miffed because shortly after that he said "I can walk!!!" and he's been off like a rocket ever since.

His words include "Haaaoooo" which is hello. "HHHHHhhhhhh" which is yes please. "Oooah" which is Noah. You can be reasonably assured of a wave goodbye and often hello. He also likes to wave at passing trucks and is very excited when he sees the kindergarten bus. Noah is too come to think of it! Tyler follows instructions such as sit down. And in the evenings if he' s tired he walks himself off to the bathroom. When it's time to put his socks or shoes on he lifts up his feet very cooperatively. He loves visiting and ransacking Noah's room and is semi-officially banned from it. When outside he likes to open and close the letterbox.

Noah is getting fairly proficient at cartwheels. At school they have been learning how to jump rope in teams. It's not his favourite thing! He is still very much into drawing and creating. He also loves reading. He can read by himself now.

He's looking forward to Halloween at the end of this month and then his birthday in November. For Christmas we three are heading to Guam for some fun in the sun. And the world's largest K-Mart! We fly out December 24th. Noah is most excited and is doing a great job encouraging me to budget.

1 comment:

flapjacs said...

I'm posting as blooming now. It's to do with one of my other projects.

Jac xxx